









       (释义):n.关注;注意;军 立正


       1、Other people walk along the beach at night,so I didn't pay any?attention?at first.


       You may feel unworthy of the?attention?and help people offer you.


       3、The teacher drew our attention to the blackboard.


       4、Later he turned his attention to the desperate state of housing in the city.







       His?eyes?are?going back?and?forth,?up to me to?see?what?I'm looking?at,?so?we've?got?shared?attention.



       For?some?time,?the?question?of?Darfur,?Sudan?has?been?a?focus?of?attention?of the?international?community.



       Connor.?It?just?recently?came?to?my?attention?and?I?thought?you?might?be?interested in?it.



       NetBSD's?attention?to?detail, well-written?code,?and?vast?portability?make?it?a?solid?choice?for?a number?of?deployment?scenarios.



       It?is?understood?that the writers?of?very?hot?abroad,?the?domestic?these?two?years?is?beginning?to?pay?attention?this?issue.



       As?an?important?novel?of?Lawrence,?The?Plumed?Serpent?has?not?been?attached?attention?in?academic circles?up to now.



       attention [?'ten?n]





       2. 注意力

       3. 关心;照料;考虑;思考;特殊处理




       [通常用于复数] 款待;热心;(尤指求爱时表现的)殷勤

       5. 军事



       6. 检修,修理

       7. 心理学注意

       8. 计算机注意,留心(来自外部的处理要求)


       1. (口令)立正!

       2. (有要事当众宣布时说)注意!

       attention [?'ten?n]


       1. the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others

       2. the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something

       the old car needs constant attention

       3. a general interest that leads people to want to know more

       She was the center of attention

       4. a courteous act indicating affection

       she tried to win his heart with her many attentions

       5. the faculty or power of mental concentration

       keeping track of all the details requires your complete attention

       6. a motionless erect stance with arms at the sides and feet together; assumed by military personnel during drill or review

       the troops stood at attention

       以上来源于: WordNet



       例如在下面这两个句子里,I couldn't give the programme,my undivided attention . 我不能一心一意地关注这个方案,If we don't keep bringing,this to the attention of the people,nothing will be done.如果我们无法让公众保持对此事的关注,那就将一事无成,在这两个句子中,attention都指的是注意力,attention还有一个短语,pay more attention to,指的是更加注意,These tours may awaken people,to pay more attention to long standing poverty,or the effects of war. 这些旅行可能会唤醒人们,来更多地关注长期的贫困或战争的影响,attention这个单词你学会了吗?


        n. 注意力;关心;立正!(口令)

        复数 attentions.

        例句:My shoes caught his attention.

        我的鞋子引起了他的注意。 扩展资料




        Pay great attention to these points. 要特别注意这几点。

        He talked loudly, but no one paid him any attention. 他大声说话,但没有听他。

        2、在 pay attention to, give attention to, bring attention to 等结构中的' to 是介词,所以若接动词,应用动名词。如:

        We should pay more attention to uniting and working with

        the comrades who differ with us. 我们应该更注意团结那些与自己意见不同的同志工作。

        He gives all his attention to making money. 他的注意力完全集中在赚钱上。


        May [Could] I have your attention, please? 请各位注意。

        Attention, please. 请注意

        Thank you for your attention. 谢谢。(发言或演讲结束时用)
